Sunday, March 15, 2009

St Dominic, Unionport Road, Van Nest

Above the entrance, "Domine, dilexi decorem domus tuae." Lord, I have loved the beauty of your house (Psalm 26). A allusion to the name Dominic may be intended. You may click on any photo to enlarge it.
The above photo looks north on Unionport Road to Morris Park Avenue.
See pages 482 and 483 for St Dominic's parish, established in 1924. The church on Unionport Road south of Morris Park Avenue dates from 1927. The rectory address is 1739 Unionport Road, Bronx NY 10462, telephone 718-828-2424.
St. Dominic's parish school is a few blocks south at 1684 White Plains Road.  On January 11, 2011, the archdiocese announced that the school would close in June.  An article in the Bronx Times is linked here.   The staff of the school may include six Sisters of the Congregation of St. John the Baptist, CSJB, also known as the Baptistines.
From the website of the Misioneros Idente, it would seem that this congregation provides some of the staff for St. Dominic parish.

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