Thursday, February 24, 2011

St Lucy, at Mace and Bronxwood Aves., Williamsbridge

See pages 482 and 484 for the parish of St. Lucy, shown above on the northwest corner of Mace Avenue and Bronxwood Avenue, Williamsbridge. The parish was established in 1927. The rectory address is 833 Mace Ave., Bronx NY 10467, telephone 718-882-0710. The church is entered by entering a gate (near the tree at the center of the photo) and descending steps. An upper church may have been planned. Any photo may be enlarged by clicking on it.

The website of St. Lucy's parish school is kept up-to-date and informative.

The school takes up the south side of Mace Avenue from Matthews Avenue (on the right) to Bronxwood Avenue (beyond the left edge of the photo).
Several newspaper articles available on the internet recount the history of the Lourdes grotto at this parish. Scroll down Forgotten-NY for photos, context, and text.

Above is a partial view of the Hall of Saints, perhaps twenty-five statues of saints and objects of devotion.


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