Thursday, October 6, 2011

Our Lady of Mercy, Fordham

Above is the Mass schedule as of October, 2011.  The parish website includes a schedule (linked here) with the abbreviations spelled out.
The schedule may have changed, as the parish has been administered by the pastor of Our Savior parish on Washington Avenue since October, 2014.

See page 472 for a reference to the current church of Our Lady of Mercy on Marion Avenue, south of Fordham Road, dedicated in 1908. The parish was begun about 1855 on the property of St. John's College. Later, the church was located on Webster Avenue. The rectory, adjacent to the church, is at 2496 Marion Avenue, Bronx NY 10458, telephone 718-933-4400.  The informative and extensive parish website is linked here.

Our Lady of Mercy parish school at 2512 Marion Avenue closed in June, 2013. For many decades renowned Sisters and lay persons directed or staffed the school. Until the 1970's, there were separate boys' and girls' departments, Ursuline Sisters teaching the girls and Dominican Sisters teaching the boys.


Facing Marion Avenue is this shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe, apparently with references to Our Lady's other titles in Latin America.  La Virgen de la Altagracia is patroness of the Dominican Republic.

Weekday noon Mass is offered in the chapel here, to the right of the rectory.  The sign in the window explains that this is the location for preparation for Baptism.


  1. I am a member of the graduating class of Our Lady of Mercy Grammar School; 1954. What fond memories I have of the Dominican nuns, Monsignor O'Leary (who would personally hand us report cards) the stickball games on Marion Avenue and a life without cell phones, the internet and the pressures of modern day living.

    I plan to revisit the school and church one day to experience being on the grounds where so much of my upbringing took place. I hope that visit becomes a reality soon. I wish that all students from O.L.M. utilize their Catholic education, doing the very best in life. Best wishes to the entire Our Lady of Mercy community.

    Edward T. Quinn, 1954

  2. I graduated Our Lady of Mercy Grammar School in 1961. Monsignor Patrick O'Leary was pastor, and the Ursulines taught the girls. Our teachers walked to OLM from their convent at Mount St. Ursula, which had a high school where some of the OLM graduates went to. I remember every one of my teachers from first grade through eighth: Mother Theresa (both 1st and 2nd grade); Mother Gloria (3rd grade); Mother Cornelia (4th grade); Mother Christine and Mother Paul (half a semester each of 5th grade); Mother Xavier (6th grade); Mother Florence Marie (both 7th and 8th grade). Mother Mary Dolores was the principal when I started at OLM, succeeded by Mother Bernadette. The priests were Jesuits, and I remember Fr. Patrick Brady and Fr. Considine. My entire family had history with OLM: both my parents and my brother graduated from OLM, and my grandmother was a member of the altar society when Monsignor Breslin was pastor. My parents were married at OLM and all my grandparents were buried from the church.--Joanne Schmidt,

  3. I graduated in 1961. Sent lengthy comment. Did you receive it?--Joanne Schmidt
