Saturday, January 10, 2009

St Francis of Assisi, Highbridge

The church is in the short block of Shakespeare Avenue between Featherbed Lane (to the left of the photo) and the canyon of the Cross Bronx Expressway (to the right of this photo).
See page 475 for the 1928 establishment of the parish of Saint Francis of Assisi in a predominantly Jewish part of High Bridge. With rather small territory carved from the thriving Sacred Heart parish, St. Francis could afford neither a school nor a large church. It has recently become part of Sacred Heart parish again. The postal address is Post Office Box 520013. Bronx NY 10452, telephone 718-731-6840. The Sunday received offering at Sacred Heart in January, 2009, was about $2,700 a week, and at St Francis about $1,700.
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Father John Flynn was pastor of this parish in the mid-1970's. Please see this article in America magazine. The article focuses on his later work at St. Martin of Tours, but does mention his being pastor at St. Francis of Assissi, where we knew him.


Cookie said...

When I was 9 years old, I made my first Communion at this church. I use to live on Jesup Ave. Now I'm 47 years old and still remember that day clearly.

Unknown said...

We lived on Nelson and went to this church and PS 104. We had "Religious Instruction" on Sunday and Wednesday afternoons in the corner 'storefront'...
Eventually we all went to SHS and I knew a Cookie (Marie) from there.
Thank you so much. I enjoy your blog.

gleek_mom said...

I made both my communion and confirmation there. I too, lived on Jesup Avenue. I went to PS 104 and then PS 82 before we moved away. I am now in my 50's and would love to reconnect with anyone from this area. Did you go the the Candy Store on Featherbed Lane? I remember getting my first "Buster Brown" shoes in the store around the corner from the church. I have nice memories of growing up playing games with all the neighborhood kids on Jesup Avenue while the moms hung out on the stoop.

Anonymous said...

I was an Altar Boy at St. Francis, 1963-1966. Lived on Grand Avenue.

Mike Julia 1 said...

Hey I made my holy communion at St Francis back in May 1973 I lived at 1475 Shakespeare right across the street from P S 104 which I attended My block was a dead end which was right next to the Cross Bronx I remember My friends Elaine and Jeannette who lived right across the street @ 1476 Shakespeare and Debra Donald who lived in the private house that was owned by their grand mama @1474 shakespeare Peter Guadalupe was a cool friend who lived down the block @1510 my I would love to see them especially Jeannette Rodriguez my 4th grade classmate who I bought a slice and a soda on featherbed lane at Franks Pizza in 1972 one day I remember her mom Margie and her brother Memo Raymond If anyone lived on Shakespeare Ave and West 172st. 929 288 9775 text me Mike

Mike Julia 1 said...

Big shout Out all those who grew up around Shakespeare Ave and West 172nd St back in the 70s the dead end block. I was there and now i am 53 miss those days still remember the many faces of my childhood friend from the block and from ps 104 memories still fresh in my mind I lived at 1475 Shakespeare attended ps 104 and remember the annex 4th grade and made my communion at St Francis of Assist played ball at the schoolyard. Well that's all for now. Peace.

Lifeislive said...

Is this Ebony? If so it's Griselle. We went to PS 104 in the 70s. You lived across the street

Terry Jr said...

I Was Raised in The South Bronx on Popham Avenue Were My Family all Six of us Attended Mass ,Baptist, Communion ,Marriage and Funeral for our Grandparents on my Mother's Side. I Have Wonderful Memories of Saint Francis Church, Sweet Sixties Party, Fund Raiser and Block Party's That Father Flynn Supporter and sponsored Father Flynn Was a Iconic Member and STRONG Leader of The Faith With His Passionate Supporters of The Community. But Sadly We All Must Return to The Father House and Rest and Rejoice. Father Flynn Will Always Be in My Family Prayers and Thoughts.

Terry Jr said...

My Family Had Wonderful Memories of Saint Francis all six of My Family, Baptized, Communion ,Conformation, Marriage and Wakes of Love Ones Long Gone . We Lived on Popham Avenue walked to Saturday mass and Sunday Mass I Remember Sweet Sixteen partying and Youth Events with The Congregation Lead by Father Flynn a Wonderful STRONG AND ALIVE POSITIVE Priest Whom Was a Fighter for the Community at The Height of The 70 Chaos That Destroyed Most of The Bronx. Saint Francis Church Will Always Be In My Family Hearts and Memories.

Unknown said...

Frances Mary said. My twin sister and I made our first Holy Communion, Confirmation and I was married at St.Francis of Assisi. Father Breen married us. Memories of those beautiful occasions are still with me. I am now 81 years of age. Unfortunately my twin passed away 5 years ago. We went to PS 104 and PS 82. Someone mentioned the candy store, on Featherbed Lane, I remember that too. We loved buying comic books there. We lived at 1583 Macomb’s Road. I understand the apartment house had to be torn down after the Cross Bronx Expressway was put thru. Does anyone remember Hahn’s Ice Cream Parlor on Featherbed? When we went to school, depending on what grade you were in, you had to walk different streets. LOL! Wonder if that is still the case. I know when I was in 6th grade, I could walk to school from our house, to Featherbed Lane to Nelson Ave. I was big stuff then. I have fond memories of Father Breen, who was the parish priest for many, many years. He had all us girls roller skating in the building next door. To the left. He and his brother would have all of us on Tuesday evenings in their house to the right of the church, for so called religious instructions that turned out watching scary movies e.g. “The Mummy” “Dracula”. What fun! They used to take a bunch of us to the beach in their car, that had a rumble seat in the back. At least 5 of us little girls would fit in there, laughing and screaming all the way.
Thank you Joe for doing this blog.

Unknown said...

That was our church back in the 70's and 80's. I lived on 47 Featherbed lane. I used to go to their Summer camps and have so many great memories. Loved my neighborhood. Bronx Strong.

Unknown said...

We lived at 1550 Nelson Ave in the 50's through early 6o's and attended St Francis of Assisi church regularly. There was one priest there who used to sit outside on the stairs to the rectory every night in the spring, summer, and fall and talk to all the neighborhood kids. I think of him often and wonder what he is doing now and where he is.

Unknown said...

I had my first communion and confirmation there. In 1958 I was married at the church. I lived at 1600 University Ave. and also went to PS104 and PS82.It's been a while since I have been in the old neighborhood. We live in California now.

Unknown said...

David Kerner
I also went to PS104 and PS82, and had my first communion and conformation at St. Francis. We lived at 1600 University Ave. In June of 1958 my future wife and I were married at the church. This month we will celebrate our 63rd anniversary.
The best egg cream I ever had was from the candy store on the corner of Nelson Ave and Featherbed Lane. Across the street there was a market on the lane that had the best Kosher pickles. In the summer they were kept in a large wooden barrel outside the store.
We live in California now, so it has been awhile since I have been back to the old tneighborhood.

Unknown said...

Bill Briscoe - I was an alter boy in the 50's and 60's at St Francis. Remember Fr. Breen, Fr Leddy and Fr. Griffin. Went to PS 109 and lived in the Sedgewick Housing Project at 160 W 174TH. Went to PS 109 and then Holy Spirit and Cardinal Hayes. Knights of Columbus used to parade up Featherbed Lane.

DEANNA said...

hi I lived on Popham Avenue and was baptized at St Francis of Assisi ... I attended Sacred Heart where I was confirmed but I took my First Holy Communion at Saint Aloysius in Manhattan . I also went to PS 82 . I currently live in Tampa Florida and by the way my father owned the Record Shop that was on Featherbed Lane