Saturday, February 4, 2012

Holy Spirit, University Avenue

The above photos were taken in February, 2012.
See page 475 for the Church of the Holy Spirit on the east side of University Avenue, near West Burnside Avenue, founded 1901. Page 586 describes the successful efforts against abandonment, fires, and destruction, largely through the Northwest Bronx Community and Clergy Coalition. The neighborhood is busy with residents and shoppers.
The rectory address is 1940 University Avenue, Bronx NY 10453, telephone 718-583-0120. University Avenue is also known as Dr. Martin L. King Blvd. West Burnside Avenue zig-zags as it crosses University Avenue, and Holy Spirit is between the zig and the zag!
The parish website, quite informative, is linked here.

In the first decades of the 20th century, vacant land in The Bronx soon became scarce.  Several Catholic churches were designed as combination buildings, fitting a church within a school.  In this instance, it appears that the architect put three functions within five stories: a church, a school, and a lofty convent.


Unknown said...

I went to this school in the 50's. I remember the Aqueduct near by. It was a short cut to school.

Just LOU said...

I also went to this school in the 50's, remember Father Manning, I was an Alter boy and sister Margaret Joseph,my favorite teacher. we lived on cedar ave and walked to school every day, also remember the Aqueduct and the convent used to be on the east side where I spent a few evenings correcting my home work.

Unknown said...

I went to this school in 2009, since pre-k, I miss it so much. Now, I'm 4th grade and I go to church in HSS. I remeber Miss. Miller and Mr. Dezone and much more...

Unknown said...

My Grandparents (William Lyon McLaughlin
and Anna Claire Vitali) were married at Holy Spirit on Sept 2, 1926. How can I find a copy of their Wedding\Marriage Certificate at the Church?

Joe said...

To: Mr Christopher Jones
Obtaining a wedding/marriage certificate through the parish office should be easy because it is a routine matter. However, do not phone today, Good Friday, because the office staff will be otherwise occupied. Wait until Monday. Telephone 718-583-0120 to learn how the staff would like you to proceed. They may require a fee, and they may require some identification. Also, you may wish to see the parish website

Best wishes. Joe

Main Street Exchange said...

Just found my Certificate of Baptism in my some of my mothers old records. I was baptized at Holy Spirt in 1956 by Rev. Bernard McSherry.

Unknown said...

U only been to this school/church for psalms Sunday. Passed by it millions of times. A lifetime resident of Morris Heights area.

Just Lou, have you any photos on Cedar Ave in those years (1950s)? I live in the area - nearby complex - and would to see what it looked like then.

Unknown said...

Who was Monsignor Michael A Walsh he was Pastor of the Church Holy Spirit he died in 1958 I need more information and need fotos of Him he is resting in the Cemetery of Saint Raymond in the Bronx

Shaunmoody22 said...

Hey Joe, I’d love to ask some questions about these old parishes here on your blog here. I find these buildings extremely interesting just would like to see if you have see history about the architects and builders. If that’s alright please email me at Thank you for work !